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Parents protest
radio ID tags
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Victims Of a

Charter Change Gang Steals our Right to Vote

Pride And Prosecution: Oregon's Destruction of a Family








By Paul Walter

February 18, 2005

Last week the House of Representatives passed an unconstitutional piece of legislation which will force all Americans to accept a national ID/driver's license. Those who refuse to accept this card will not be able to fly, take the train and one day you will be unable to travel the roads and streets without "your papers, please!" According to Congressman Ron Paul, "The bill establishes a huge, centrally database of highly personal information about American citizens: at a minimum their name, date of birth, place of residence, social security number and other sensitive data. [Read: National ID Bill Masquerading as Immigration Reform]

The bill even provides for this sensitive information to be shared with Canada and Mexico! Imagine a corrupt Mexican official selling thousands of identify files, including social security numbers to criminals."

Congressman Paul goes on to say, "Supporters claim the national ID scheme is voluntary. However, any state that opts out will automatically make non-persons out of its citizens. The citizens of that state will be unable to have any dealings with the federal government because their ID will not be accepted. They will not be able to fly or to take a train. In essence, in the eyes of the federal government they will cease to exist. It is absurd to call this voluntary, and the proponents of the national ID know that every state will have no choice but to comply."

Of course, this is unconstitutional and not just because the federal government has issued a direct threat to the sovereign states of the Union and their citizens. The driver's license and state identification cards are and always have been the domain of the states under the Tenth Amendment. Congress is trying to crush the independence of the states and the people should rise up and tell their U.S. Senators that while the House has passed this draconian piece of Nazi-style legislation, that you will refuse to accept these documents. Enormous heat must be put on the Senate to kill this legislation.

Only someone with their head in the sand can't see what's coming. Because these IDs will become like gold on the black market, counterfeiting will become so massive as we have already seen with theft identity, the next logical step is forced biometric implantable chips - into your right wrist. Congress is consistent at creating a mess and then destroying your rights to "fix it." Nothing could be further from the truth as we have seen over and over and over with all these broken government systems.

How can anyone deny this? Being forced to have a bio chip implanted under their skin isn't the Mark of the Beast as foretold in the Bible where you will be unable to do any business, commerce or travel without it? Now is the time to demand the Oregon State Legislature refuse to allow the federal machine to come into our state and force such draconian, Nazi-style intrusions into our lives. Speak up now or in a few years you'll be sporting the Mark of the Beast.

Is our government using the fear and threat of terrorism to enslave us all? You bet they are.

Note: National drivers license is the precursor for the bio-chip implant. You see, if they demand bio chip implant right off the bat, people won't accept it. So, the stage has to be set first. Once the people accept the national drivers license, it will be a cinch to sell the sheep the bio chip implant, guaranteed, all in the name of security. And the 501-c-3 corporate church leadership will help them.

� 2005 Paul Walter - All Rights Reserved

E-Mails are used strictly for NWVs alerts, not for sale


Paul Walter was born in socialist Yugoslavia in 1945. He and his family emigrated to America in 1959. He served 3 years in the U.S. Armed Forces and became a U.S. citizen in 1963. Owner of Walter Publishing & Research, Inc., he republished a 100 year old book titled The Coming Battle, the true history of our national debt. The book is currently in its 5th printing. E-mail








Once the people accept the national drivers license, it will be a cinch to sell the sheep the bio chip implant, guaranteed. And the 501-c-3 corporate church leadership will help them.