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Part 2 of 2


By: Devvy

January 1, 2004

"Force [is] the vital principle and immediate parent of despotism." --Thomas Jefferson: 1st Inaugural, 1801. ME 3:321

In Part I, several legal sections from Title 42 were provided so that every American has the opportunity to see what the law really says vs how the government and its representatives lie. As with the previous two articles in this series, Part I drew massive e-mails from people in a state of denial with comments that this writer is wrong.

Hiding in a state of denial isn't going to change a lie into truth. People don't want their comfort zone disturbed because sadly, most Americans would rather continue to live on their knees, blindly doing whatever they're told, because to stand up to tyranny is too much effort and requires courage. Sadly, America's manhood has been transformed into something more closely resembling sissy hood.

Why does the government have to "find" money to meet social security payments if there's a so-called "trust fund"?

The simple answer to this question is that there isn't any trust fund and there never has been. When a worker voluntarily applies for this number and authorizes their employer to withhold this tax, that amount is simply credited to an individual account: a bookkeeping entry. This so called trust fund is just bookkeeping. Over the decades, Congress has simply played the shell game with moving around ink.

As a tax, this revenue is used by the government to fund various unconstitutional expenditures like prophylactics for Pakistan, payments to the communist UN, the Federal Department of Education, building schools in Bosnia or paying farmers not to plant. This is probably the one, single legal fact that most people simply don't understand: social security is a tax and is used by slick, career politicians to keep "old people" in line by clever manipulation to get their vote. It's despicable and yet, our senior population continues to vote for the same cretins that cheat them, election after election.

Because these taxes are funding this socialist operation called the federal government, the monthly out payment to social security recipients doesn't come from some big vault full of money labeled 'SS Trust Fund' that the government writes checks against. The government robs Peter to pay about 43 million Paul's, a pittance each month. Because there is no money in the U.S. Treasury, it simply becomes more debt for future generations.

If you are unsure about how this magic trick is performed by the government, please see: Why an Income Tax is Not Necessary to Fund the Federal Government.

Forcing someone else's grand child to fund your retirement

The social security system is a Ponzi scheme. It requires the labor of future generations to continue to fund your retirement. If this were a mandatory tax forced upon my daughter to work to pay your retirement, that would be one thing. But since this is a voluntary taxing scheme, what's being done to uneducated Americans is illegal and immoral. However, as we all know, this government lies and continues to strong arm employers and individuals into forced, indentured slavery to keep the truth about this flimsy house of cards afloat before they have 50 million seniors marching on Washington, DC.

Seniors dependent upon this monthly check live in a state of fear that some day, the government won't be able to send out their check on the first of the month. Is this what you want for your children and grand children? To live in fear and dependency upon mother government for a pittance, a rip off of their labor over 25 or 30 years?

As someone who refuses to force your child or grand baby into a life of paying for my "old age," and I will be 55 next June, I refuse to pay into this voluntary taxing program and I will not apply for this "benefit" when I turn 65. My daughter who is 28 years old does not want this "retirement" tax on her back for the rest of her life to fund a retirement "supplement" for Joe Smith down in Enid, Oklahoma. It's Joe Smith's adult responsibility to plan for his "old age." My daughter is a free American and she is not going to slave for someone else's retirement because they aren't responsible enough to save on their own.

Identity theft

You can walk into any county recorder's office in this country, sit at their computer and extract someone's name, address and social security number right off the screen. County recorders nationwide post for public viewing, a non enforceable instrument they call a "Notice of Federal Lien" which contains this information.

This writer has gone into the county recorder's office in Sacramento, California and observed two scruffy looking adult males sitting at the computers with legal size pads writing down the aforementioned personal information by bringing up one "Federal Lien" after another. Why? Because, they then sell your information on the black market. Theft identity is a multi-billion dollar a year industry. If you are unfamiliar with this little con the IRS is running, read: How the IRS Violates It's Own Code.

In the last five years, a frightening 27 million Americans have been the victims of theft identity, their credit and lives ruined. For the sake of argument, let's say the IRS' computer kicked out the wrong SSN and this "Notice of Federal Lien" is not supposed to be placed against George Smith, but is and unbeknownst to Mr. Smith, his name, address and SSN is now on display for these criminal rings operating in the U.S. This is happening all over this country and by the time an individual finds out, it's too late.

States blackmailing their own citizens

As one must apply to obtain this number in order to voluntarily pay the tax, how is it that the states of the Union demand you obtain this number by force or deny you a driver's license? How is it the California Supreme Court can rule that you must obtain this number in order to obtain a DL in the State of California when obtaining this number is voluntary? They have and its blackmail, pure and simple.

Employers throughout the states of the Union demand this number to obtain employment. Again, blackmail, pure and simple: either volunteer yourself into a federal taxing scheme or you don't get the job. Since one must apply for this number for a future benefit, how is it that an employer can demand that a free citizen be forced to obtain this number to obtain employment? They can't, yet because of their own ignorance and fear of the IRS, they get away with it and they will until the people of this country find the courage to say no, I refuse to be blackmailed and denied my God-given right to work for my bread.

The states of the Union have sold their sovereignty to the federal government for unconstitutional funding, most of which force you to fund programs you find repugnant and routinely steal your God-given rights. Yet, Americans continue to "vote" the same career politicians back into the State House who refuse to stop this heinous and immoral blackmailing of their own citizenry. Of course, if you're bred to dependency or have come to this country to sponge off the system, you don't care that your rights are being stripped away from you, just keep your hand out and some special interest group with political muscle will make sure it stays filled.

Then, again, the federal machine creates jobs through all this unconstitutional funding to the states that only perpetuate dependency for the federal buck. For a very comprehensive analysis of this monstrous problem, click here.

Social security can't be fixed or saved

Because this taxing scheme depends on future generations funding it, when enough people refuse to be forced to pay this voluntary tax, it will simply collapse. As the "baby boomer" generations begin to retire, there simply won't be enough ink to fund this obligation. That day will come in our lifetime unless the only rational, sane path is chosen. Additionally, because more and more women are choosing to have babies later in life instead of at 18 or 20 years of age, those future "taxpayers" who decide to volunteer into this taxing scheme, will come too late to "save" social security for our "old people."

Also remember this: since social security is a tax, it can be reduced or taken away at any time by the government. It is not a contract and you can't get a refund.

This article isn't to play the blame game. My parents receive social security. Like tens of millions of other Americans, they have retirement, but they do depend on that little extra bit. Of course, if they had been told the truth about this taxing scheme 50 years ago, their retirement nest egg would be a half million times higher.

As a free people, it is our own personal responsibility to put away for the future, not the government's obligation to force anyone to volunteer into this taxing scheme to do it for you. If an individual chooses to squander or spend their income during their life time and have nothing in the end, that is their choice, not mine. Before this dependency program was introduced by the great Socialist, FDR, Americans were taught from a young age the value of a dollar, independence and to save for their "old age."

What's the solution?

Certainly not more think tank ideas for individual retirement accounts, lock boxes, privatization or anything else. Because this tax is voluntary, Congress must take the necessary steps to inform this nation through a massive public awareness program that no one is required to obtain this number to live or work in these united States.

No more political football, no more scaring "old people" with cuts in social security, no more games, just the truth.

Second, social security must be funded out for those who depend on it, period. Where will the money come from? Currently, the feds need to "find" about $400 million dollars a year for this pay out. The unconstitutional NAFTA treaty wiped out the same amount in excise tax revenues. Get rid of this insidious treaty and there's your money. Besides, the incredibly destructive NAFTA must go as a matter of saving what's left of our lifeblood industries.

Stop all this unconstitutional spending for our troops in Bosnia, to the communist UN, to the IMF and the other hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars being illegally stolen from the public treasury and you will have more than enough revenues to fund out social security until it dies a natural death.

A large number of Americans will need social security and many who have paid into the system for 10 years or longer won't do as I will and refuse to apply for it. That's fine, folks will need to do what they need to do to survive. But, everyone else should refuse to be forced to pay into this voluntary system and do not allow your children to be sucked into this never ending taxing scheme. Let the system die a natural death as those who do need their check pass away. It will be a natural progression towards elimination or at least, a very small number.

Certainly there will be those, especially illegals and people too lazy or addicted to material things who would rather voluntarily pay their tax for a future "benefit" and if they choose this path of dependency, fine, but they have absolutely no right to expect me or the man down the street to be forced to pay a voluntary tax for their laziness or greed.

There is a revolution going on in America. A revolution by freedom loving Americans who have simply had enough of being forced against their will to volunteer into programs that may have seemed for the "good of the people" at the time, but over time have proven to be nothing more than steps towards a complete communist state. This transition won't happen overnight, but it will happen.

Mr. Bush and Congress: Tell the American people the truth. You must honor those who depend on this program, but unless you come clean, the social security system will continue to be nothing more than a political football while it spasmodically jerks towards an inevitable death.

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Whether Mr. Bush and the Congress come clean or not, which they won't, We the People are forcing the issue that will bring change. If you are receiving social security benefits, you will receive them because the funding is there. But, I hope you will support this effort to force the government to tell the American people the truth and free your children and grand babies from forced slavery. And, make no mistake about it: when someone takes the fruits of your labor against your will, you are a slave.

� 2004 Devvy Kidd - All Rights Reserved

Devvy Kidd authored the booklets, Why A Bankrupt America and Blind Loyalty; 2,000,000 copies. Devvy appears on radio shows all over the country, ran for Congress and is a highly sought after public speaker. Devvy belongs to no organization.

She left the Republican Party in 1996 and has been an independent voter ever since. Devvy isn't left, right or in the middle; she is a constitutionalist who believes in the supreme law of the land, not some political party. Her web site ( contains a tremendous amount of information, solutions and a vast Reading Room.

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"You can walk into any county recorder's office in this country, sit at their computer and extract someone's name, address and social security number right off the screen."