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Churches Are
Spreading Mad
Cow Disease

The Deluded Christian Church











By Coach Dave Daubenmire
February 23, 2012

Martin Niemoller: "Our concern here, Herr Hitler, is not for the church. Jesus Christ will take care of the church. Our concern is for the soul of the nation."

Adolph Hitler: "You can leave the soul of Germany to me."

Words have meaning. My perspective on life was altered when I came to that realization. We live in a nation where we believe every “expert.” We have been trained to listen, but not to think.

We share a common language, but we do not realize that words mean different things to different people. For a greater perspective, read my commentary Change the Words, Change the World.

I used to think that the term “pro-life” meant that a person was against abortion. Sorry Charlie. Most “pro-lifers” are pro-choice…they just think that “life” is the “correct” choice. They do not hate abortion and do not fight to outlaw it.

That’s why so many politicians claim to be “Pro-Life,” yet abortion remains legal. Republicans tend to be “Pro-Life,” but they don’t really want to stop the butchering of babies.

But we think they do. We think “Pro-Life” means “stop abortion.” It doesn’t.

“Conservative” is another one of those words. Most of us here in fly-over country assume that “conservative” is a belief system. In reality, it is just a “position” that political candidates claim to hold. “Pro-Life” is one of those “conservative” positions.

That’s why they break “conservatives” into classes; “social” conservatives, “fiscal” conservatives, “judicial” conservatives, “neo” conservatives, and ironically, “Christian” conservatives.

You would think that most Christians would be “conservatives,” but of course, you would be mistaken. There are “liberal” Christians, “social-justice” Christians, “fundamentalist” Christians, “moderate” Christians, and my favorite, “Bible-believing” Christians. You see, not even “Christianity” is a one-size-fits-all description. Just like “conservative.” Just like Republican.

While most “conservatives” are Republicans, not all Republicans are “conservative.” They are not the same. I explain it here. I’m not even sure what “Christian” or “conservative” means anymore.

Let me get to the point. The “non-conservative” Republicans control the Republican Party.

Wake up folks. Our ignorance is destroying us. The Republicans and the Democrats are merely two wings of the same vulture. They represent the “Political-Class;” those who make their living off of bigger government. Their currency is PMS…Power…Money…Sex.

They are one party masquerading as two; The Democrat Political-Class and The Republican Political-Class. They fight over which side gets control of the money, not over issues.

The Republican Political-Class is fighting like mad to see Romney get the nomination because he is “more electable.” “More Electable” means Romney won’t “rock the boat” and the Republican Political-Class gets their turn to play quarterback. Either way, the “Political-Class” calls all of the plays.

Romney has run for President for five years, yet he still can’t get more than 30% of the Republican vote. Most of his 30% are the Political-Class Republicans. Heck, he could get that much if he challenged Obama in the Democratic Political-Class Primary.

Gallup reports that 42% of voters identify as conservative, 35% as moderate, and only 20% liberals. The “conservatives” only need 9% of the “moderate” vote to win. Yet the Republican Political-Class is pushing a “moderate” as their candidate. Meanwhile, the “liberals” are destroying this country.

The big myth is that Republicans represent “conservatives” when they don’t. It is the “moderate” Republicans who split the “conservative” vote by nominating RINOS. Some “moderate” Republicans voted for Obama. Some “conservative” Democrats didn’t. Lindsey Graham is a member of the Republican Political-Class, as are Susan Collins, Karl Rove, Olympia Snowe, and John McCain. Do they represent you?


Let’s face it. Both major political parties are for bigger government. A vote for either party is a vote for more government courtesy of the “Political-Class.” Their plan is to nominate a “moderate” to oppose a “leftist”, and leave “conservatives”, the majority, with no place to go.

THE TEA PARTY IS THE CONSERVATIVE BASE. Have you noticed how both sides of the “Political-Class” hate the “tea-baggers?” The Tea Party IS the opposition party to the “Political-Class.” The Tea Party must seize control of the Republican Party. It is the only chance to return power to the people.

I love to hear the media prattle on about the dangers of a “third party.” I would love to see a SECOND party; One that actually brings change. In my lifetime the Republican Party has nominated Eisenhower, Nixon, Goldwater, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush I, Dole, Bush II, and McCain. The Political-Class has continued to grow and national morality has continued its rapid plunge into the toilet as the Republicans moved farther and farther left.

Today, there is no “conservative” party.

Rick Santorum has raised a fire-storm because he is speaking about the “social” values. Right on cue, both wings of the Political-Class begin to yap about how “social” values cannot win in the general election. Folks, “conservative social” values still win the day. That is why the pigs are squealing so loudly. Even the Paul-bots don’t like the “social” issues. Many of them want freedom without responsibility.

If lying, stealing, and fornicating once again became taboo in America; if we once again began to demand those values of our children and our leaders, The Political-Class would no longer have a platform upon which to stand.

Santorum has seen a meteoric rise. He is speaking the language that a majority of Americans understand. He has said such things as “Satan has his sights on the United States of America…attacking the great institutions of America, using those great vices of pride, vanity and sensuality as the root to attack all of the strong plants that has so deeply rooted in the American tradition.” He called Satan, “The Father of Lies.” JN 8:44

When it comes to social values he doesn’t need a teleprompter. He knows that song by heart. He understands that the heart of the problem is that America has a problem of the heart. Our government is a reflection of our people. We must return to Truth.

The “Political-Class” has taken America hard left. A “moderate” correction will not bring us back to the middle. Only a hard-right can keep the one-winged eagle from a death spiral.

“Conservatives” hold deep-seated beliefs. “Republicans” hold political positions. They are not the same. If a “moderate” faces a “leftist” in 2012, “conservatives” cannot win. Ignorance is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

I support most of what Ron Paul stands for, but he fails to understand the importance of “social issues.” He calls them a “losing position.”

Isn’t fiat currency a social issue? What about the crap your kids are learning in government schools? Isn’t government theft a social issue? Abortion, marriage, war…aren’t they “social” issues?” Do you mean socialism is not a “social issue?”

Don’t let them blow smoke at you. It is not about contraception or women’s rights. It is about right and wrong. Right and wrong is not a state’s-rights issue. Right and wrong is a human rights issue.

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It is time we drew a line and had a fight over the moral issues. Christians have given ground for far too long. It is time we had the debate. It is time to rise up against the cultural, moral rot.

The battle over right and wrong is THE political issue of our time. If this election is lost I don’t want it to be over tax cuts. The battle lines are drawn. Let’s get it on. Let’s force the “moderates” to go third-party.

“But the media tells us that a conservative will lose!!”

Wake-up, Pal. We are already losing. Stupid is as stupid does.

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Do you think like a Christian or a humanist? Did the Founders really separate Church and State? Is Judicial tyranny ruining America? Check out these great teachings by the Coach

� 2012 Dave Daubenmire - All Rights Reserved

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Coach Dave Daubenmire, founder and President of Pass The Salt Ministries and Minutemen United, is host of the high octane Pass The Salt radio show heard in Columbus, Ohio.

In 1999 Coach Daubenmire was sued by the ACLU for praying with his teams while coaching high school in Ohio. He now spends his energy fighting for Christian principles in the public domain.










Wake up folks. Our ignorance is destroying us. The Republicans and the Democrats are merely two wings of the same vulture. They represent the “Political-Class;”