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By Barry Chamish

   For the past two days, leaders of the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) have been meeting with Labor MK Avraham Burg in Washington to plan a political coup against Shimon Peres, the leader of the Labor Party and its most powerful cabinet member.

   The CFR sent CIA head George Tenet to Israel last week to threaten PM Sharon with deadly consequences if he interferes with the plan to destroy the settler movement by the end of the summer.Tenet was pleased by the successes of the PLO murder squads he had trained in Virginia but was most disturbed by reports of Shimon Peres's mental condition. He was informed that Peres was cracking under the strain of fear that his organization of Yitzhak Rabin's assassination was being widely exposed. He was subject to irrational bursts of anger and even his public statements were becoming increasingly nutty. Before he even returned to Washington, Tenet recommended Peres's immediate removal.

    Avraham Burg has been long groomed for power by the CFR. His father, Yosef Burg, served longer than anyone in the Israeli cabinet, beginning in Ben Gurion's days, and trained his son well where the real sources of political power lie. The CFR believe that it can repeat the success they had in electing Ehud Barak with Burg. They view him as a young, nominally religious candidate with potentially wide appeal, who can take over where Barak left off when Sharon is ousted from power. As a religious Jew, he would be held blameless for the disintegration of Jewish villages in their ancient homeland.

    Burg had meetings with Colin Powell (CFR) and National Security Advisor, Condoleezza Rice (CFR) to outline the coup plans. To overwhelm him with the seriousness of the plot, additional meetings were arranged for Burg with Bill Clinton (CFR) and Sen Hillary Clinton.

    The top leadership of the CFR have concluded that Peres must go, willingly or not, and well before his role in the Rabin murder becomes a national scandal the likes of which Israel has not seen before. It is essential that Burg be placed in power before that day comes and vast cash resources will be thrown at a Burg campaign to, first, take over the leadership of Labor and then the country.

     The CFR realizes that time is running out on their obsessive goal of ridding Judea, Samaria and Gaza of Jews. They are amazed that these people have not caught on to who is behind the covert war against them, and still believe their government and army has an interest in protecting them. However, great pains are being taken to keep the ignorance intact.

     A delegation of American presidents of major Jewish organizations is touring Israel, concurrent with the Burg talks. It is led by one Mort Zuckerman, who is not only a CFR member but was on the board of the notorious CFR Middle East Task Force Report of July, 1997, which demanded that Israel's borders be reduced to those of 1948, with half of Jerusalem handed over to the PLO.

     Zuckerman submitted a dissenting opinion of the report's conclusions but one should not view that fact as anything more than window dressing. He is as aware as anyone of the CFR/CIA's plot against the settlers and is in Israel maintaining control of any objections to it raised by his delegation of American Jewish leaders.

     Unless the settlers miraculously awaken from their delusions and protect themselves bravely and intelligently, they have no more of a chance to continue their lifestyle than the other victims of CFR/NWO manipulations like the Afrikaaners, Rhodesians, Serbs etc. Their ONE AND ONLY longterm chance is to exploit the opportunities offered by those who are exposing the ghastly crimes of their enemies within Israel.

They're Talking Update

     Those who read the claims of the Shabak informants in my last posting, They're Talking, will be pleased to learn that the information is being confirmed, despite a couple of tiny errors in my transcription which I will point out now.

     Asher Zuckerman, publisher of Kol Hashavuah confirms that a few weeks after the Rabin murder, he was about to publish a report about the murder of two of Rabin's bodyguards. His backer was approached with a threat to his life and he shut down the newspaper. Later it reopened with a new name. The informants were exactly right.

     Yehuda Miller of Maale Levana (not Levanim as I wrote) did photograph Avishai Raviv in criminal action and he was fired from Israel Police. The informants were right but forgot to add that as a sweetener for his silence, a job as photographer for the weekly magazine Mishpakha was arranged for him. He still holds the position.

     A correspondent went to the 100 block of HaChoresh Blvd. (not Coresh as I misheard) in Ramot  and confirmed that a villa matching the description of the Shabak interrogation and surveillance center the informants reported, does exist.

     And because the information is proving accurate, suspicions have been raised by the murder of a Military Intelligence/Shabak colonel, Yehuda Edri, two days after the posting was released. For one day, both Haaretz and Hatsofe published the truth of the assassination, then they stopped. Edri met his Arab informer outside Jerusalem and was shot by him. This should not have happened. Edri was travelling with two bodyguards. Neither searched the informer before he approached Edri. In fact, neither left the car to take up protective positions. The bodyguards let Edri get murdered. One bodyguard was shot by a bullet aimed at Edri, while the assailant chose not to shoot a seemingly helpless bodyguard seated in the backseat of the car. He shot and killed the informer.

     The informer's employer wrote a personal piece published on the front page of the Jerusalem Post. She described an Arab sick of PLO corruption with no fight against the Israelis. She concluded that he was not a murderer type and that his family must have been threatened.

     Edri was a religious Jew living in the "settlement" of Maaleh Adumim. He was assassinated under most suspicious circumstances. We hope it was not because someone thought he was one of the people who passed on the information in, They're Talking.

He wasn't, at least not directly.

     The real informants have not contacted me again, as they promised, so I searched my notes for quotes I chose not to include the previous posting. I rejected most because the informants admitted they were just rumors. One, however, should have been included. I was told the Shabak took over Yigal Amir's police investigation right after the murder and staged the filmed interrogation of Amir with his forced cooperation. This wasn't included because it was previously reported in Natan Gefen's book Fatal Sting and oft-repeated since. Still, this is confirmation.

Of the uncertain claims:

    Source 1 - "While on the topic of the Kahalani brothers, you should know they had a brother in the army who start mouthing off about how the Shabak framed his brothers. He died of a 'suicide,' though no one I know of in the service believes that's what happened."

      Source 1 - "I've heard that a few agents are assigned to covering up forest fires. When the PLO want concessions from the government, they burn down Israeli forests. There is barely a tree left on the Tel Aviv/Jerusalem highway and Rabin's government hid the arson from the public. Now they're working on the Galilee, burning down those forests the same way. To cover this up, we identified a 'security risk,' a visionary Gog and Magog philosopher who wrote about his vision of Israel burning, and the police used him as the fall guy for the fires."

A certain claim from a different source:

    A New York correspondent who I met at my NY lectures twice, and who I trust, wrote recently that he had met Yigal Amir's mother Geula in New York. He asked her opinion about my book and she was not delighted with it, believing that I had hurt her chances to raise money among the religious Right for her son's defence by implying that he was a Shabak asset. She was asked why her son doesn't just tell the truth and she admitted what we knew all along; Amir has been told that if he so much as whispers anything near the truth, his family will start dying one by one.

    An awful evil is being committed to Israel. The settlers are being abandoned to their murderers by Ariel Sharon, who lives daily with a foreign gun at his head. And Israelis, especially the Jewish residents of Judea, Samaria and Gaza, can't understand the obvious. So they'll keep dying until barely a soul is left in his home and then they'll express their indignation by voting for Burg in the next elections.


The brand new Hebrew edition of Last Days Of Israel was the bestseller of the Jerusalem Hebrew Book Fair with some 250 sold. It can be acquired from the author.

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