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Patrick Wood
September 28, 2005

National disasters often provide natural opportunities for people drunk on power to expand their control over the people of a nation. The twin hurricanes, Katrina and Rita, were enough for President Bush to announce on September 26 that he will seek to FEDERALIZE disaster emergencies so that federal response will bypass state and local officials.

State's Rights and sovereignty have long been a major stumbling block to the globalization process being structured by elite globalists.

One ostensible rationalization for Bush's move is that FEMA has only 2,500 employees ("assets") while the Department of Defense has 1.4 million troops. Another rationalization is that state and local response was too slow in getting federal aid mobilized. Thus, there needs to be an automatic "trigger", under certain circumstances, where state and local officials are given a back-seat to federal bureaucrats and the military.

This is a door that Americans don't want to have opened, because it will lead to domestic police action by U.S. military troops.

In an masterful understatement of only six words, Bush stated "It may require change of law."

The law in question is the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 which states, in part,

"Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than two years, or both."

Black's Law Dictionary defines "posse comitatus" as "the power or force of the country... the entire population of a county above the age of fifteen, which a sheriff may summon to his assistance in certain cases as to aid him in keeping the peace, in pursuing and arresting felons, etc." [Note: it says sheriff, not president.]

In short, military and local police actions don't mix. Is this too hard to understand? If the Commander-in-Chief (e.g., the President) controls the military, would this not politicize military action against American citizens?

The historical sense of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 was to limit the use of federal troops to police elections in former Confederate states. In other words, Congress blocked the Executive Branch from using troops under its control from having any influence on national elections. This should make perfect sense to any American.

Simply put, there are no non-nefarious reasons for changing this law. Any attempt to change it can only be viewed as a blatant power-grab in order to further consolidate federal power.

Every state, county and city official in the United States, from governor to dog-catcher, should throw this back in the President's face. Every citizen should insist on it!

Once they have the power, there will be no getting it back.

� 2005 Patrick Wood - All Rights Reserved

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Patrick M. Wood is editor of The August Review, which builds on his original research with the late Dr. Antony C. Sutton, who was formerly a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution for War, Peace and Revolution at Stanford University. Their 1977-1982 newsletter, Trilateral Observer, was the original authoritative critique on the New International Economic Order spearheaded by members of the Trilateral Commission.

Their highly regarded two-volume book, Trilaterals Over Washington, became a standard reference on global elitism. Wood's ongoing work is to build a knowledge center that provides a comprehensive and scholarly source of information on globalism in all its related forms: political, economic and religious.


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China would like to bury the United States, and has stated so on many occasions. After being flooded with western technology (much of it stolen through espionage), they are now flooded with western capital.