Other The Two Kerry's: "Men in Black" The Cult of The Judges
By Jon Christian Ryter November 17, 2007 NewsWithViews.com A dozen FBI agents staged a raid on the Liberty Dollar's Evansville, Indiana office at 8 a.m. on Wednesday. Nov. 14 and confiscated all of its property and equipment�including about two tons of commemorative Ron Paul coins. Liberty Dollar, founded by money architect Bernard von NotHaus in 1998, was created as an alternate "private, voluntary barter currency" to the US dollar. Liberty Dollar was headquartered in a strip mall at 225 N. Stockwell Road in Evansville. The future for Liberty Dollar�and its founder�who came under investigation by the US Treasury last fall, appears bleak. Liberty
Dollar was founded as the National Organization for the Repeal of the
Federal Reserve Act and the Internal Revenue Code [NORFED]. Von Nothaus
caught the eye of the federal government which launched an investigation
of the Liberty Dollar in 1999. At the time, Liberty Dollars were largely
paper That changed when von Nothaus began the mass coining of his Libertys rather than printing them�and when he began to refer to them on his website as "real money" or as "the second most-popular currency." After coming under scrutiny again from the US Treasury in September, 2006, which presented NORFED with a cease and desist order, von Nothaus dissolved NORFED as of January 1, 2007, announcing it would distribute Liberty Dollars without a political agenda. In March, 2007, von Nothaus filed a lawsuit against Henry M. Paulson, Secretary of the Treasury, then US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, and Edmond C. Moy, Director of the US Mint asking the court for a declamatory judgment againsat the federal government. In its initial warning to NORFED, the government argued that Liberty Dollar was marketing privately-produced gold and silver "Liberty Dollar" medallions as a form of money�a privilege exclusively and constitutionally reserved for the federal government. Article I, Section 8, subsection 5 provides that Congress alone possesses the exclusive franchise to coin money and regulate its value. By law (31 USC � 5112[a]), Congress directs the US Mint to mint coins�and to establish the values of those coins. Congress places the responsibility to control the minting and distribution of coinage to the Secretary of the Treasury (31 USC � 51131). Accordingly, only the US Mint has the constitutional authority to issue "legal tender" (i.e., real money). Under 18 USC � 486, it is a federal crime to utter or pass, or attempt to utter or pass, any coins of gold or silver intended for use as "current money." Liberty Dollar was on safe ground with barter certificates. However, when they decided to mint coins with an intrinsic value far greater than the fiat coinage created by the US Mint, NORFED started building a house of cards that was doomed to fall. Web
advertisements, the US Mint argued, referred to the Liberty medallions
as "real money," and as "currency." NORFED The
US Mint told Sen. Bill Nelson [D-FL] in a letter referencing a constituent
of Nelson's, Albert Wagner, who challenged the US Sadly for NORFED, even after the US Treasury filed their initial cease and desist warning against them, the company continued to refer to the Liberty Dollar�both paper and coin�as a private, non-government form of currency even though it has had a disclaimer on its website since 2004 stating that gold and silver Liberty coins are neither "legal tender" nor "current money." Nor, the websie claimed, did the coins resemble or appear "...to be coinage minted, issued, authorized, or approved by any government agency." Further, the coins carry the website address and phone number to identify them as advertising specialty items and not legal tender. Since 1998, NORFED has more than $20 million in Liberty Dollar coins and certificates in circulation. Approximately 2,500 merchants nationwide accept Liberty Dollars for goods and services. The US Mint told the Washington Post in October, 2006 it acted only after federal prosecutors around the country began forwarding inquiries about the coins, and realized the medallions had become a problem. US Mint spokeswoman Becky Bailey told the Washington Post at that time that "...we don't take these consumer alerts lightly. Merchants and banks are confronted by confused customers demanding they accept Liberty Dollars. They are not legal coin." One of those referrals came from the FBI in New York after an incident involving the attempted use of a Liberty Dollar when Amanda Buczek and her boyfriend Joel Lattuca at the refreshment stand at a New York Islander's hockey game that resulted in the arrest of her father, Dan Buczek, 55 and her brother Shane after Amanda asked the attendant if they accepted Libertys. He said no, and they paid him with a Federal Reserve note. An off-duty Buffalo detective arrested Dan Buczek and his son Shane�not the daughter or boyfriend�and contacted the FBI in an attempt to pursue counterfeiting charges against the Buczeks. While the felony charges that were initially filed against the Buczeks were later reduced to misdemeanors, a spokesman for the US Mint said that attempting to use the Liberty Dollar to pay for products or services could land the consumer in prison for up to five years. According to a US Mint spokesperson, NORFED encourages users to "do the drop." Doing the drop means the Liberty Associate should drop one of the coins into the hand of the merchant so he can feel the weight of it, which is either solid silver or solid gold. Clearly, the minting of solid silver or solid gold�or solid platinum�commemorative coins are legal. And clearly, anyone with a decent pair of eyes can see that the coins are not the currency of the realm�regardless what the NORFED website claimed prior to that entity's dissolution on January 1, 2007. The production, sale and possession of Liberty Dollars as a barter coin is not illegal. As the US Mint noted to both the Washington Post and Sen. Nelson, there is a comparative similarity in the fact that NORFED used the phrase "Liberty," the Liberty image and the phrase, "In God We Trust" (which the US government is now attempting to remove from our currency because the phrase is offensive to Muslims) to make its medallions resemble the coins of the realm. In the search warrant presented to the employees at 225 N. Stockwell Road at 8 a.m. on Nov. 14, FBI special agent Andrew Romagnuolo and Secret Service agent David Stefanich with 10 other federal agents conducted the search of the Evansville office and the seizure if everything in the building except desks and chairs. The items listed on the search warrant suggested the FBI pretty much intended to empty the building. According to von Nothaus, the Feds seized about a million dollars worth of Liberty Dollar coins and precious metals that were onsite�including approximately two tons of commemorative Ron Paul coins. In addition, the company's bank accounts and other assets were all frozen. At the same time, according to another source, a similar search and seizure was taking place at the Sunshine Mint in Coeur D'Alene, Idaho. In addition to the inventory of coins and silver certificates, the agents seized all precious metal shipping and receiving invoices, as well as the Sunshine Mint records. Sunshine Mint is NORFED's repository in Idaho. Also seized were all dyes, plates, molds, numismatic striking equipment and computer programming software. Also confiscated were the lists of all 2,500 merchants who accept Liberty Dollars. Taken into custody at that time was von Nothaus, the architect of the Liberty Dollar who was detained only briefly. As von Nothaus noted, the FBI and Secret Service seized every ounce of metal in the company's possession including staples and paper clips.
reporter asked von Nothaus earlier if there was any chance that the
gold and silver used to support the Liberty Dollar certificates�which
have been ruled to be lawful�will be returned. Von Nothaus said he had
posted a link on his website, http://www.libertydollar.org/classification/index.php,
for people holding Liberty Dollar certificates to join a class action
lawsuit to demand redemption for their certificates. Von Nothaus pointed
out that if the supporters of the Liberty Dollar don't join the class
action lawsuit, they will not get their money back. The Federal government
will simply keep it as they do with the ill-gotten gains of drug dealers
and other criminals, or white collar criminals charged with RICO violations.
But, it appears to day, that even if von Nothaus escapes prison, the
Liberty Dollars still in the possession of its adherents will be nothing
more than momentos of a failed movement to restore the United States
to the gold standard. � 2007 Jon C. Ryter - All Rights
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Jon Christian Ryter is the pseudonym of a former newspaper reporter with the Parkersburg, WV Sentinel. He authored a syndicated newspaper column, Answers From The Bible, from the mid-1970s until 1985. Answers From The Bible was read weekly in many suburban markets in the United States. Today, Jon is an advertising executive with the Washington Times. His website, www.jonchristianryter.com has helped him establish a network of mid-to senior-level Washington insiders who now provide him with a steady stream of material for use both in his books and in the investigative reports that are found on his website. E-Mail: BAFFauthor@aol.com |
In addition to the inventory of coins and silver certificates, the agents seized all precious metal shipping and receiving invoices, as well as the Sunshine Mint records. Sunshine Mint is NORFED's repository in Idaho.