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By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri
Posted 1:00 AM Eastern
January 30, 2015
© 2015

In the aftermath of President Barack Obama's State of the Union address on Tuesday and the televised rebuttal by newly elected GOP Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa, who is the first woman combat veteran to serve in the U.S. Senate and was strongly backed by the Democrats' bogeymen the Koch brothers, the news media appeared more interested in the multi-billionaire David and Charles Koch and their political activities supporting Republican politicians and candidates. Yet, the same news organizations turned a blind eye to left-wing billionaire icon George Soros' financing of anti-police protests and demonstrations through a number of leftist groups.

Although the Koch brothers support many Republican candidates, they are part of the Libertarian wing of the party. They oppose big government and bureaucracies, oppose foreign entanglements and believe in a real free-market not the one that's morphed into a government controlled hodgepodge of regulations. Soros, on the other hand, wants government to control everything and uses socialism to manipulate the distribution of wealth.

For example, according to news outlets, four of the Republican presidential hopefuls — Sen. Ted Cruz, Sen. Marco Rubio, Sen. Rand Paul and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker -- are being introduced by the Koch brothers at a dinner party with rich Republicans organized by the Koch brothers. Yet these same news people ignored Soros' bankrolling the Ferguson, Missouri, protest movement. According to reports, he provided well over $30 million to established groups responsible for the protests and demonstrations in Ferguson and in other locations throughout the nation, claims the Washington Times and other news sources.

During the Ferguson protests -- which had clearly deteriorated into riots and looting of local businesses --activists from groups such as Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER), the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA), Make the Road New York, and the Center for Community Change in Washington, benefited from Soros' contributions beginning in August. The groups went on to organize gatherings and protests there until late December while they expanded their anti-police activities in New York City.

In addition, Soros' groups such as Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment, the Organization for Black Struggle, and an immigration group called Dream Defenders were involved in establishing yet another offshoot, the Hands Up Coalition, an organization that's name is a proven fallacy: the black youth, Michael Brown, did not get shot by the white police officer, Darren Weeks, while raising his hands and surrendering.

The Hands Up Coalition allegedly organized blacks and white youths to hold local events in their own cities, towns and college campuses to make the Ferguson shooting victim Michael Brown a martyr nationwide. The Hands Up Coalition and its affiliates are now calling 2015 a "Year of Resistance." The group and its affiliates are expecting more of the 84-year-old Soros fortune believed to be upwards of $26 billion.

The is also a connection between George Soros and President Barack Obama through the Soros-funded group which helped in managing and funding the Ferguson demonstrations. Soros money is key in financing the grass-roots organization known as the Gamaliel Foundation. A young Barack Obama started his community-organizing career at Gamaliel in Chicago, Illinois.

Besides Soros and Obama, clergy representatives from the Samuel Dewitt Proctor Conference (SDPC), where the controversial "Obama spiritual leader" Rev. Jeremiah Wright is a trustee, also participated in the protests. Wright was Obama's long-time pastor in Chicago before publicity about his harsh rhetoric, including use of the phrase "God damn America," caused Obama to distance himself from Wright.

Media Makes Liberals the National Heroes

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-California, on Monday fired-off another round of shots against the Republican majority in the House of Representatives this time accusing them of blocking the funding for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) when the terrorist threat level is the highest it has been in years. Rep. Pelosi claimed that the Obama administration and Democrats in Congress want to protect Americans, while the Republicans claim that Obama and the Democrats have one goal: Increasing the number of Democrat voters. Yet critics of Obama and his backers in both houses of the U.S. Congress say that Pelosi's comments have long ago reached the level of absurdity.

The Republicans' proposal is intended to block funding for President Barack Obama's deportation policy and other unilateral actions he's taking in order to give millions of illegal aliens a quick path to citizenship. The GOP threat to hold back some funding for the Homeland Security Department (DHS) has nothing to do with not wanting to protect Americans, say several police officials who spoke to an Examiner reporter.

In her harshly worded statement, Pelosi said, "It is clear Republicans’ partisan recklessness knows no limits. House Republicans are threatening a partial government shutdown, choosing a time of rising terrorism to imperil the security of our entire country to satisfy the most radical anti-immigrant fringes of their party."

She went on to say, “Instead of building on the president’s actions to restore accountability to our broken immigration system, Republicans have chosen to play games with the security of every American family. Republicans must abandon this spectacularly dangerous tactic, and come together with Democrats to restore certainty to the funding of Homeland Security.”

"Of course, its lost on Pelosi -- and the Washington press corps supporters of Obama and the Democrats -- that playing the 'homeland security' card is ridiculous on a day when everyone is bashing Obama and his White House for not even showing up at an international rally in Paris to show strength and resolve against Islamofascists. She's got to be kidding or perhaps it's time she was put out to pasture," said former police officer Iris Aquino, who served on an anti-terrorism task force.

Part of the GOP proposal to fund the DHS beyond February would be the additional provisions that would result in halting Obama's recent executive orders, which would do away with deportation, give illegal aliens work permits, and force states to provide benefits for at least five-to-seven million people living in the U.S. illegally.

"Despite the fact that the costs of 'amnesty-light' program is supposed to be offset by applicants' fees, the Republicans' provision would prohibit the DHS from using those fees to change the system already in place," said former police officer, prosecutor and now political strategist Michael Baker. "The revised bill containing the GOP provisions would put an end to Obama's 'Dreamer' (deferred action) program, which allows illegal aliens brought to the United States as children and teenagers to stay in the country and seek employment legally," Baker added.

"We want to send a bill to the president that defunds his amnesty program, but also very importantly funds the Department of Homeland Security — the Coast Guard, TSA, the Border Patrol, the ICE teams [Immigration and Customs Enforcement], the Secret Service," said Hal Rogers, R-Kentucky, the chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, in a statement. "It’s a very dangerous time. I would wonder whether or not the president would have real deep misgivings about not signing a bill funding the Department of Homeland Security.”

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Meanshile, Pelosi and the far-left wing of the Democratic Party are threatening Americans saying that the "immigration amendments will strangle the debate and put the nation's security at risk." But numerous law enforcement officials claim that the Democrats couldn't care less about security. For example, a border agent leaked documents to a conservative web site, that revealed the Department of Homeland Security has decided that the majority of illegal aliens crossing U.S. borders cannot be detained or deported without approval from top officials in Washington. "The documents do not specifically order agents to let illegal immigrants pass freely into the United States, the source said. But the rules “clearly” say “don’t waste your time because the alien will not be put into detention, sent back or deported,”Newsmax reported.

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Meanshile, Pelosi and the far-left wing of the Democratic Party are threatening Americans saying that the "immigration amendments will strangle the debate and put the nation's security at risk."