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Where Have All The Backbones Gone?

What Does
Kwanzaa Have
to Do With It?

Righteousness Or Republiccanism









By Kelly McGinley
March 3, 2004

The U.S. Postal Service is honoring a known Communist Party member Paul Robeson for Black History Month. The latest stamp in its "Black Heritage" series shows a picture of Paul Robeson, an actor, singer, recording artist, and a card carrying Communist member.

Paul Robeson spent time in the Soviet Union during the height of Stalin's tyranny. He wrote for the Communist monthly "Soviet Russia Today", where he praised Communism. During the 1950 hearings by the U. S. House investigating Communist influence in this country, Paul Robeson was accused. While they were conducting a series of hearings entitled "Communist Infiltration of Minority Groups", former Communist Manning Johnson testified before the House Committee that he had been with Paul Robeson a "number of times" in the headquarters of the Communist party. Paul's assignment was to work among the intellectuals, the professionals, and artists to influence along Communist lines.

Paul Robeson plead the "Fifth Amendment" when he appeared before the House Committee on Un-American Activities. After the investigative hearings the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee included his name along with 81 others as the most active sponsors of Communist front organizations. Is Robeson an appropriate hero for black history?

Marxists and Communists have infiltrated every area of America�s institutions, even our seminaries. They have successfully destroyed the church in this country and have now so successfully infiltrated our government that our government is unabashedly promoting Communists and Communist philosophies as expressed in Kwanzaa. They are aggressively brainwashing the black communities, and have been very successful in enslaving the blacks to the government.

Let's not be so naive as to think that they have only influenced minority groups. It is clearly evident to me they have infiltrated pro-life and pro-family groups. One litmus test was these groups did not expose the fraudulent partial birth abortion ban. This basically says to kill the child at the navel instead at the head so the child is only half way out instead of three fourths out.

Secondly, these same groups are pushing heavily for the "Marriage Amendment" which will allow civil unions and erases God from the equation. Third, these same groups are promoting the satanic film "The Passion of the Christ".

This litmus test fits all those who are members of The Council of National Policy. This organized group appears to be the "CFR" for the so called Christians. This is a good place to investigate Communist infiltration plus its possible ties to Sun Yung Moon. Some investigations have already confirmed to me links with members of the Council for National Policy and Moon. Moon's involvement in the Republican Party is significant financially and in policy making. For those who do not know, the "Reverend" Moon claims the Lord Jesus Christ failed and he is the new Christ.

Communism is enveloping us at mach speed today and we are financially supporting our own demise. These groups are leading all the Christian effort in the wrong direction. It is a favorite Communist tactic to create a crisis and then destroy our rights. Very good timing having sodomites marry all over the country while all these pro-family groups are poised and ready with the answer. All these members of CNP are tricking us into believing the only hope is this amendment to the Constitution. A lie from the pit of Hell.

As in George Orwell's book "1984", the Communists have done a good job in making us think we are fixing the problem while making it worse. Another tactic is to make us all think we are free. After all we can kill our children, our parents, and soon will be able to marry our dog.

� 2004 Kelly McGinley - All Rights Reserved

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Kelly McGinley is a Christian radio talk show host. Her show is called Re-Taking America heard in Alabama and Florida and can also be heard 24/7 on the Internet at Her show is about cultural, political and world events through a biblical world view. Kelly can be contacted at









"Communism is enveloping us at mach speed today and we are financially supporting our own demise. These groups are leading all the Christian effort in the wrong direction. It is a favorite Communist tactic to create a crisis and then destroy our rights."




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