Additional Titles







Howenstine Articles:

Abortion Causes Breast Cancer

Use of CoQ10
to Treat Malignancies

Why You Should Avoid Taking Vaccines









PART 1 of 2



By Dr. James Howenstine, MD.
August 24, 2006

The pharmaceutical industry earns one trillion dollars each year from the sale of chemotherapy drugs. If anyone thinks that this industry will soon be bringing forth a new therapy that will cure cancer they may wish to revaluate this thinking. These people are brilliant at controlling the media and encouraging the public that “the cure is just around the corner.” If they were to cure cancer it would be the biggest mistake they have ever made and they are not accustomed to making mistakes.

One of the key factors in successful therapy of cancer is removal of toxic metals (mercury, arsenic, lead, cadmium, aluminum, iron, uranium etc.) from the body.

Dr. Josef Issel of Germany had great success treating cancer with fever, organic raw food, enzymes and immune stimulating methods. In his office a biologic dentist removed metal amalgams (mercury) and mercury dental deposits from these patients. His methods were so successful he earned a three year stay in a German prison in the site reserved for convicted murderers.

In Dr. Thomas Rau’s Paracelsus Clinic in Switzerland most patients seen are terminally ill from malignancies that have failed chemotherapy and radiation. Fifty percent of patients with stage 4 (advanced) cancer recover. Their therapeutic program consists of:

  • Opening up missing tooth sites to remove hidden mercury deposits
  • Removal of all root canal teeth
  • Careful removal of all mercury fillings
  • Detoxify the patient from mercury and other harmful substances

Obviously toxic metals play a major role in causing cancer and their removal can greatly assist recovery. The substance zeolite (Natural Cellular Defense) acts primarily by removing toxic metals from the body.

Zeolites are minerals formed when molten lava contacts water from lakes or ocean. A specific member of the zeolite family of minerals called “clinoptilolite” has a unique honeycomb like structure which has the ability to trap and bind toxins, heavy metals, viral particles, and other impurities so these substances can be removed from the body. The clinoptilolite type of zeolite can be activated by a process which removes naturally occurring toxins. The end product results in a 100 % natural completely non-toxic liquid that is safe for human consumption (FDA rating G.R.A.S. Generally Recognized As Safe). In a liquid form carried by the blood stream zeolites are believed to pass to all parts of the body.

The clinoptilolite form of zeolite has been used for more than 800 years in traditional medicine to improve general health in India, China, Russia and nearly every part of Asia. In the United States this has been used in water filtration, air purification, animal feed and fertilizers to keep crops healthy.

Zeolites are negatively charged which is not common among minerals. This negative charge facilitates the migration of positively charged toxic minerals into the zeolite cages and onto the surfaces of zeolite where these substances can be transported for elimination in stools and urine. There is a preferential order of zeolite attraction to minerals .of heavier weight before proceeding to lighter minerals. This is manifested by trapping of mercury, uranium, arsenic, and cadmium before lighter minerals are captured (magnesium, calcium, lead). Zeolites can be considered molecular sieves and filtering agents who are able to trap positively charged atoms, ions, and compounds for removal from the body.

What Can Zeolite (Natural Cellular Defense) Accomplish?

  • Remove Toxic Heavy Metals (uranium, aluminum, lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium etc). This improves enzyme function.
  • Trap and remove viral particles from the body
  • Improve immune function so colds and influenza are less likely to occur
  • Improve pH levels so infectious organisms have a less favorable site to survive
  • Trap protons in the digestive tract making acid reflux less troublesome
  • Improve nutrient absorption
  • Removal of toxins and chemicals improves immune function
  • Trapping allergens in blood and digestive tract decreases symptoms from inhaled and swallowed antigens
  • Absorptive action in the intestines may stop diarrhea
  • Can be of great value in life threatening and chronic disease states.

Is Zeolite A Chelating Substance?

Zeolite has a great affinity for heavier metals such as mercury, uranium, arsenic, cadmium, aluminum and a lesser affinity for metals of lower weight (lead, calcium, magnesium). In two published studies involving goats, sheep, and cows half the animals received zeolite along with food and vitamins and the others received the same therapy but no zeolite. The animals receiving the zeolite had better nutritional status and better mineral content in their bodies than the animals not taking zeolite. The zeolite animals lost toxic metals and had better levels of calcium and magnesium than the animals not taking zeolite. Zeolite is an important chelating agent which appears to bind more metals than standard EDTA used in chelation.

What Can NCD Do In Allergic Diseases (Migraine Headaches, Asthma)?

Patients with migraine headaches frequently are aware that certain foods will trigger headache attacks (red wine, preserved meats treated with nitrites and nitrates such as sausages, hot dogs, salami, caffeine, chocolate, some dairy products{aromatic cheeses} etc.). NCD can remove some of these triggers for migraine attacks by physically absorbing the offending substances in the intestines.

Asthmatic patients are exposed to pollen, dust, molds, and air polluted by chemicals and smog all of which may initiate bronchospasm (wheezing). Often the offending substances are heavily charged making them susceptible to removal by NCD before they cause asthma attacks. Many persons with allergic disorders have noticed a decrease in symptoms after starting NCD therapy.

Use Of NCD In Hyperacidity And Acid Reflux States

The ability of zeolite to bind gastric acid can be dramatically effective in some individuals suffering from painful reflux of gastric acid onto the esophagus . Other persons with indigestion related to gastric acid may also obtain relief.

Possible Benefits From NCD In Arteriosclerosis

There are several important concepts regarding the initiation of arteriosclerosis. One of these is that arteriosclerosis results from the infiltration of the endothelial lining of the arteries with toxic heavy metals. The inner lining of the artery is the site where the important vasodilator substance nitric acid is created. The endothelium also produces prostacyclin which decreases clotting of blood and causes dilating of arteries. A third important endothelial substance is heparin, a potent substance that prevents clots from forming. Excessive deposition of heavy metals in the endothelium diminishes the endothelium’s ability to produce valuable nitric oxide, prostacyclin and heparin. Removal of these toxic metals restores the endothelium’s ability to produce these vital substances which stops and may even reverse arteriosclerosis.

Inflammatory reactions in the body (often related to infections such as gingivitis, pneumonia, viral infections etc.) can be a stimulus for arteriosclerotic plaques to suddenly develop. Bacteria and viruses have been transported from these inflammatory sites to the endothelial lining of arteries. .Careful studies of persons suffering strokes and heart attacks has revealed that up to 25 or 30 % of these persons have a history of an infectious disease in the several days preceding the vascular event. Experts in the field of gum disease have warned that there is mountain of evidence that there is an unusually high rate of gingivitis in persons developing heart attacks and strokes. Therapy that heals gingivitis (Oral Guard) could protect many patients from having heart attacks and strokes.

Signs of inflammation such as elevated levels of CRP and sedimentation rates are a valuable clue that artery narrowing and related vascular occlusion is a strong possibility. The body reacts to infectious processes by walling off the area of infection. The blood in these sites becomes sludgy with poor blood flow. Plaque formation becomes accelerated in these sites of impaired oxygen delivery. Resolving these abnormal indicators of infection with agents like cucurmin is helping many patients escape vascular accidents.

Dr. Linus Pauley pointed out that Vitamin C and lysine could correct the collagen deficiency seen in arteriosclerosis with healing of narrowed arteries. This information was nearly completely ignored by conventional medicine. Coronary by-pass surgery, and the placing of stents and angioplastic opening of narrowed arteries are big business for the medical community. The fact that surgical procedures are being performed for what is a degenerative inflammatory disorder of arteries has not slowed the wave of surgery. Curative therapy for arteriosclerosis needs to reverse the abnormal events in the lining of the arteries and eliminate the infections that initiate vascular occlusions.

Homocysteine elevation, increased clotting factors (fibrinogen, platelets, lipoprotein (a) excess) and meals prepared with synthetic transfats all contribute to arteriosclerosis as does cholesterol elevation in a minor way.

Heavy metals inhibit both enzyme function and protein performance. Zinc finger proteins[1] are stabilized by the presence of a zinc atom in the middle of the protein. When this zinc atom is missing the protein will not work. These zinc finger proteins are necessary for cellular division. This is especially important for the immune system which requires extra cells when faced with a viral or bacterial infection. Supplemental zinc during infections normally helps the body create more immune cells. The zinc may also be displaced by heavy metals such as mercury and arsenic. Again the protein fails to function because of displaced zinc. Removing heavy metals from the body permits correct placement of zinc to occur with improved immune function and restored enzyme function resulting.

Adenosine triphosphate ATP is the prime energy source for the body. ATP needs a magnesium ion to be stabilized. Active ATP is called Magnesium ATP. Persons with mercury poisoning have the magnesium displaced by the excessive mercury levels. In this state of absent magnesium the body has less energy production and fatigue and weakness are common symptoms. When the mercury is removed energy output returns to normal. Many persons taking NCD have noticed that they have more energy within a few weeks of starting this therapy.

Because the affinity of zeolite for removal of heavy metals like arsenic, cadmium, mercury and uranium is greater than for lighter metals like calcium it tends to only remove calcium when there are no or few heavier metals to absorb to. This results in slow removal of the calcium found in arteriosclerotic plaques. The vitamin K2 would probably be more rapid in removing calcium from plaques and heel spurs than zeolite.

NCD helps the body improve artery function by eliminating toxic metals from the body, improving immune system function, improving pH levels, increasing oxygen levels in tissues and by improving enzyme function.

What Is Happening When Toxic Metals Leave The Body?

When zeolite from NCD captures toxic metals the zeolite combined with metals is excreted in urine and also becomes part of fecal waste. Approximately 60 % of zeolite leaves the body in urine and 40 % in fecal waste. One hundred percent[2] of zeolite is eliminated from the body within a 4 to 7 hour time frame. Because of this rapid elimination taking very large doses of NCD accomplishes nothing not achieved with conventional dosage.

When meat is cooked, particularly if burned, nitrosamines form. The nitrosamines have been implicated in causing colon cancer. An important action of zeolite is to trap and remove dangerous nitrosamines from the intestines.

As the mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, uranium etc. leave the body the blood levels of these substances decline. When this occurs there is now more mercury, cadmium, lead etc in the bones and other tissues than in the blood. This produces an osmotic effect which leads to slow steady migration of metals out of bones and tissues into the blood and then out of the body.

Lead has very important health ramifications. There is no amount of lead that is safe for the human body. Elevations of lead levels in humans are strongly correlated with the development of hypertension. When the lead is removed from the body the blood pressure returns to normal. Lead excess is also an important cause for cataract formation. Children with elevated levels of lead have a high incidence of poor academic performance, increased use of drugs and more anti-social behavior.

Lead is stored in bones. Modern man has 1000 times more lead in his bones than men living 400 years ago. Effective oral chelation therapy removes lead but may take 10 to 15 years to complete it’s removal from bone. An oral chelating therapy such as Essential Daily Defense removes lead by virtue of the presence of garlic powder.

An interesting and perhaps significant observation seen in persons taking zeolite is that some persons lose weight.[3] One theory proposed to explain this is that these toxic metals are so dangerous to the body they get surrounded by fat tissue to decrease their toxic effects. When NCD has led to loss of toxic metals the fat tissue may be metabolized away as these stored metals also get eliminated from the body.

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How Does NCD Affect pH Values In The Body?

Normal body pH is slightly alkaline at 7.4. When the body pH falls to consistently low values 5 chronic degenerative diseases such as cancer, serious infections and arteriosclerosis may appear. Oxygen levels correlate with pH levels so acidic pH levels are associated with low oxygen levels in tissues. Hydrogen ions are small so they do not get trapped in zeolite. However, their acidic effect is balanced by the presence of alkaline zeolite leading to a neutral more healthy pH where disease has a harder time flourishing. Positively charged protons in the vicinity of zeolite become attracted into the cage and their disappearance raises local pH values to a safer level. When a cage with protons is transported to an area where there are few protons (not acidic).the protons will migrate back out of the cage. Thus the pH effects are localized[4] not systemic. For part two click below.

Click here for part -----> 2


1, Deitsch, Rik Interview with Rik Deitsch Chairman of Waiora's Science Advisory Board December 2005 pg 5
2, ibid
3, ibid
4, ibid

© 2006 Dr. James Howenstine - All Rights Reserved

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Dr. James A. Howenstine is a board certified specialist in internal medicine who spent 34 years caring for office and hospital patients. After 4 years of personal study he became convinced that natural products are safer, more effective, and less expensive than pharmaceutical drugs.

This research led to the publication of his book A Physicians Guide To Natural Health Products That Work. Information about these products and his book can be obtained from and at and phone 1-800-416-2806 U.S. Dr. Howenstine can be reached by mail at Dr. James Howenstine, C/O Remarsa USA SB 37, P.O. Box 25292, Miami, Fl. 33102-5292.










Zeolites are minerals formed when molten lava contacts water from lakes or ocean. A specific member of the zeolite family of minerals called “clinoptilolite” has a unique honeycomb like structure which has the ability to trap and bind toxins, heavy metals, viral particles, and other impurities so these substances can be removed from the body.