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The Militarization of the American Police












By Trooper Greg Evensen
March 28, 2015

Note: While visiting a 92 year old WWII Marine of Iwo Jima in a veteran's home, I tried to comfort him when he asked, "why did we do all of this and for what end? To have it all come to this?" I said God knew and that you sir, helped to give us 70 more years of relative peace and prosperity. I said America is strong, with lots of good people, she will survive. He replied, " I pray to God she will."


Through the shock and awe of the revolutionary war, America thought - she could take no more. The battle raged all through the night, the British thought they’d won the fight. But with the morning came the sun, our flag still flew because of one. America has seen many a war, we always lead, we go before,

Through the battle fog we led the way, we thought we’d seen the worst that day.

The people gathered at Lexington, they stood their ground at Concord,

Yet through those years of sacrifice they never yet were conquered.

You see, they knew the truth, they knew what would be,

For freedom’s fight is long and hard, and never shall be free.

Today it seems, the lesson’s are lost, the world’s great seas again are tossed,

But brightly beams our Father’s mercy, our nation lives on and is not yet lost.


I pray to God that our hearts be filled, and give us strength to do His will.

For without Him rest assured there’ll never be, a lighthouse shining full and free.

So many men, all took the call, we never thought that we would fall,

We promised family, we told our friends, that we’d come home when the conflict ends.

Beaten and battered we gave our all, to resist the enemy and still stand tall.

So now America, your vets are back, they stood the test, they gave their best, to preserve the freedom we have left.

Imagine now how they must feel, when they see leaders on the attack.

You see, it’s not for us our leaders defend, they aim to steal your rights and make you bend.

The moment has come, one more time, to grab freedom’s reins and not resign.

My kids and grand kids mean so much to me, I swore and oath to keep them free.

And if I must, I will once more, march right on through that deadly door.

I cannot stop, nor can I ignore, I'll take on the tyrant that’s on our shore.


I pray to God that our hearts be filled, and give us the strength to do His will.

For without Him rest assured there’ll never be, a lighthouse shining, by the sea.

Many have said America is dead, her people have become corrupt,

I say to you, on the backs of our vets, are the scars that never healed up.

For when they look around today and see the politicians betray,

A weary, dying America, must now drop to her knees and pray.

For like it was so long ago when folks knew what to do,

It’s time again to not give in and do what we must do.

Without faith and courage we might be, just a faded part of history,

We cannot fail and as the saying goes, “be all that you can be.”

I’ll join you on the village green to gear for battle once again,

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So commit to God and your fellow man, that we will fight and never bend.

Down the winding trail freedom’s flag still waves, ore the land of the free and the home of the brave.

So take these words as comfort now, and get your family ready, I’ll say one final time to you, be true and always steady.

I pray to God that our hearts be filled, and give us strength to do His will.

For without Him rest assured, there’ll never be, a shining lighthouse by the sea.

By God’s grace and inspiration

His servant

� 2015 Greg Evensen - All Rights Reserved

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Greg Evensen is a former Kansas State Trooper awarded the Governor’s Award for heroism. He has produced two DVD’s, nine hours of training for families attempting to prepare for a breakdown of the national structure and the “grid.” His 400 page “survival Manual” that is also available as a complete companion guide to the DVD’s for dealing with these disruptions is now available along with his inspirational musical CD’s including “The Sovereignty Papers,” a three hour narrative of Greg’s book at his website store

Greg is also traveling the nation assisting concerned Americans by conducting “in-field” training sessions at farms, ranches, churches, and rural homesteads where groups of attendees learn how to defend their homes and master 25 topic areas that will give them the “edge” when the lights go out.

Website: TheHeartLandUSA





While visiting a 92 year old WWII Marine of Iwo Jima in a veteran's home, I tried to comfort him when he asked, "why did we do all of this and for what end? To have it all come to this?"