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The Puzzle and the Key








Grants Pass




By Roy Masters
August 29, 2011

From chapter 5 of Eat No Evil
Available on

From the beginning, mankind has hungered to fill the void created by Original Sin, first with food and later with sex and other attractions. The trauma of Original Sin has created in us a void that cries out for the very thing which created it to fill it. We hunger and thirst, but nothing satisfies. The more we eat, the emptier we become. Something eats away at our substance with every mouthful. So it is not so much what we eat as what is eating us as we eat, that needs examining.

The emptiness we all feel comes from our hav¬ing fallen away from the true ground of our being to live another kind of life, a life that is contrary to the original design of our Creator.

The drug addict's fixation is similar to the one we all share with food. Drugs, like food, create a need for themselves, a hunger that promises ful¬fillment only if we continue to take them; but as you see, they deceive us, giving us illusion in ex¬change for our souls.

The corrupting power of Original Sin, its power to suck out the victim's life essence, hinges on the principle of deception, the art of stealing life through trauma and emotional excitement—this, in the guise of loving or giving emotional support.

Every fisherman knows that the only fish he can catch with bait is a very hungry one! So it is with man. In order to be caught (deceived) and reeled in, the "fish" must be hungry for, or compatible with, deception. We are excited and caught, pri¬marily, by our own selfish, egocentric lusts and needs evolving from, and supportive of, the ego's rebellion against the spirit.

Now, the interesting thing about needs, as far as man is concerned, is that once he has been caught, an unnatural hunger for the bait begins to grow up in him. Each time he is hooked by the reaction of trauma, his emotional need for the bait is intensified; but unlike the fish, man goes out looking for the fisherman in order to get hooked. He seeks the excitement of tease as though his life depended on it—and in a sense, it does.

A man will surrender his real life to the corrup¬tive process he calls love to a hell disguised as heaven. He enjoys the struggle against being reeled in, and his resistance (resentment) makes him hungrier for the bait of love. Indeed, that hate actually makes the bait more attractive. Egotistical men love to hate, because hate literally creates the appetite for, and is compatible with, the spirit of beguilement. For the beast men, it is the only love and fulfillment they want to know. Gross, egotisti¬cal men equate their bigger appetites with evolving manliness.

You, on the other hand, may not be a gross animal, wallowing in lust for ego fulfillment. Yet, your resentment of the game, the struggle, the challenge, that you see other men enjoying, will not help to free you from being caught first by great hamburgers and later by the love game yourself. On the contrary, your ef¬forts to steer a safer course will only intensify your need to swallow the bait-hook, line, and sinker. Your preoccupation with the forbidden ecstasy will cause it to become increasingly attractive to you—and more troublesome. Forbear, then, to let your weakness challenge you to do battle with it. If you do, you will find yourself creating, and then giving in to, the appetite you hate, and it will swal¬low you up.

In this game of life that degrades one into play¬ing the role of predator or victim, what more subtle bait can there be than food? Food, like woman, can be both natural and seductive. It is usually not until we have had a great fall and have become extremely troubled in the soul that we are ready to appreciate the fact that there is a dif¬ference and that we stand ready to try to define it. But define it we surely must if we are to ex¬perience a right and natural desire for the truth that will make us free.

The trouble is that all the experiencing we revel in before we hit bottom and realize something is wrong produces in us a preference for the un¬natural. Most of us have become so involved with worldly pleasure that the unnatural satisfactions have come to look like natural fulfillment to us. They are certainly more exciting, pleasurable, and satisfying to our egos than truly natural experi¬ences, which have come to appear unnatural, uninteresting, boring, and even threatening to our egos.

The result? We focus our attention on the salva¬tion of our unnatural lusts, seeking to make them ever more satisfying to our jaded palates which grow hungrier for that misidentified something missing, in spite of all our misguided efforts toward fulfillment.

Our tap water might be the purest in the world—no matter. Our sophisticated palates begin to demand Perrier. We may have been eating margarine for years, but when we hear Vincent Price say that he .can tell the difference between margarine and butter, well, who wants to admit that his senses are less refined than Mr. Price's? We ascribe human attributes to wine, like "inno¬cent," "unassuming," or "hearty." And so we carry on refining our tastes to the nth degree, and what does it get us? Only greater emptiness and greater longing for real satisfaction. The kind of fulfillment we have been chasing breeds only frustration, which is another form of challenge and resent¬ment.


And resentment is the hunger connection—the sin that awakens the hunger we love to indulge.

Once we have become locked in to this sense¬less vicious cycle of fulfillment through the senses, however, it becomes very difficult for us to accept the fact that this kind of fulfillment is a thief, an enemy, and a betrayer. We think of pleasure as our only reward or happiness. Our emotional yearning grows so powerful that it bends our thinking into believing that any effort we might make to deny its appeal or even to struggle against it is a folly tantamount to going against our own true nature.

We are as easily manipulated by our spiritual longings as a fish is by its hunger when we go about trying to satisfy them through things out there. And the fishermen of the world are always seeking new ways to make their bait more effective to gladden our selfish souls and keep us happy in our fool's paradise. Some fish develop enough smarts to avoid the bait, but not us! We entangle ourselves ever more deeply in our web of pleasure and despair. And from the depths of that despair, there rises a sensuous hunger, a burning fire demanding to be quenched with still more fire. It is a vicious cycle.

Soon after we are born, our natural spiritual hunger is altered and amplified by longings that have evolved from some failing we have forgotten (and have no desire to remember). These long¬ings evolve into unconscious yearning for all the wrong things. So we all unconsciously look at natural things in an unnatural way; witness the way men look at women, for example. Such looks can be frightening to an innocent girl, but once she has been violated by the lustful glance, she falls to become addicted to being lusted after.

What did Solomon say about the lusts of the eye, the ear, and the senses? He warned that they could never be satisfied by seeing, hearing, and feeling, for there is no fullness there.

Even though you may agree with me in prin¬ciple, the hardest thing I ever have to do is get you to perceive the unnatural way you look at every¬thing. Now please look carefully at the events of your recent past. Rewind the tape of your mem¬ory, in a manner of speaking, to this morning or yesterday morning, and play it again. Look at your reaction to the contents (or lack of same) of your mailbox, to the unexpected call you received (or expected but failed to receive), to the unex¬pected stroke of luck (or misfortune). Now don't you see how you react to everything you see, feel, hear, taste, and smell, with undue excitement? Your eye reaches out to fondle male or female forms and images. Your ear is ravished by the sounds of music (or what passes for it), by words of praise or of criticism.

If you observe a child at play, you will see how quickly his interest shifts from one thing to another, how short is his attention span. He is a perfect example of the true learning process in action. When he has finished his discovery in one area, his interest falls away and he goes on to the next adventure.

Wouldn't you be concerned if the child remained fixated, day after day, to his blocks or toy soldiers, fondling them, studying them, as though they were the be-all and end-all of his pur¬pose on earth? Yet men are fixated to women that way. They become so totally preoccupied with studying women, their image and form, that eventually a man's whole life revolves around discovering and growing through woman.

But don't stop there¬. Include music, drugs, alcohol, work-the list is endless.

So, to return to our basic subject matter, when your life begins to revolve around food, you must know that something is terribly wrong. You glorify your lust, your romance, your fixation. You write "love" songs about your sexual weakness. Through overreacting, whether openly or in secret, you sin. Your ego derives a great sense of pleasure and satisfaction as you wallow in your wakened senses. The you that is dying feels vibrant and alive again through the feelings that have been awakened by sin. Forevermore you must sin to experience the illusion that you are gloriously alive.

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But in those moments of unconsciousness, of "coming alive," death enters in, enlarges itself in¬side you, and leads you deeper into unnatural experiences for your sense of being alive.

It all began in the Garden of Eden with the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil that was forbidden to us. This same fruit was the means by which evil could manifest its will. The forbidden could have been anything. It could have been a horse, for instance; ride it, and you are out of favor. It is disobedience that separates us from God's love, from the wellspring of the sensible life, and introduces us to the spirit of the sensual life, to a spirit of false love and reinforce¬ment which enters through the quickened senses through doubt and through emotion. And what is sin but transgression of the law, of the will of God—the displacement of one will by another?

Sin is what psychologists refer to as trauma. Trauma is a response that shocks, seduces, and changes the foundation of our being, our very allegiance, what we believe and feel, the way we look at what is good and what is evil. Through it we begin to believe that evil is good! We begin to believe in our sin-awakened feelings, which, hav¬ing been born of a lie, continue to deceive us.

So, Original Sin, or trauma, excited and changed man's allegiance; and his entire life began to revolve around the beguiling spirit of that change, manifested in an unhealthy fixation on food, women, and other forbidden delights. Thus, an unnatural longing for food and sex has been passed down through the mother by way of every father's failing since Paradise was lost.

For hundreds of generations, children have come into the world subject to the order of woman-food domination, an order devoid of true love and correction, an order rooted in the wrong kind of affection, the wrong way of reacting and taking false pleasure in the things of the world. After the Fall, the only love left in life for man was wine, women, and song, all of which he grew to enjoy in an unnatural way, the other love and way having been lost to him. And all these things had to be made unnatural in order to give him a sense of fulfillment. Because such fulfillment also serves as an escape from what he is becoming through fulfillment, the sin serves two purposes: salvation from guilt and the evolution of the beast man as god.

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So women came to be admired for their beautiful wickedness and food became bad (altered) in order to be good and desirable. Just tell your kids that a certain food is bad for them—forbid them to eat it—and immediately it becomes exciting and attrac¬tive to them, even if it is horseradish. Warn them not to become involved with this person or that, and you know whom they will turn to. You can see the danger, but all they see is love fulfillment.

Again I am asking you to reexamine your long¬ings and yearnings. Ask yourself if the things you want really satisfy. If they do not—if they lead only to frustration and an intensification of desire-realize why you are hooked. Even as you indulge, you yourself are being eaten alive by the ages-old food-mother-woman syndrome.

Contact Roy Masters

Listen to Roy Masters LIVE call in radio show Monday to Friday from 9 PM to 11 PM Pacific on KDWN Radio in Las Vegas, NV.

� 2011 Roy Masters - All Rights Reserved

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Roy Masters—who in his 80s continues to broadcast the longest-running counseling show in talk radio history, his internationally syndicated daily radio program Advice Line, grew up in pre-WWII England. He started his journey toward understanding human nature when as a teen he saw a stage hypnotist at a vaudeville show in Brighton. The hypnotist easily put volunteer subjects in a spell and made them do outlandish things, like dancing with a broom and forgetting their own names.

Puzzled by the hypnotist’s mysterious power, Roy distinctly remembers pondering the question: “Why can’t hypnotism be used to make people act sensibly, rather than foolishly?” Inspired by the idea of harnessing this baffling force for good, he later pursued the art of hypnotism and established a successful hypnotherapy practice.

After several years of practice, Masters made his central and pivotal discovery about the root of people’s emotional problems, addictions and complexes. He realized that people did not need hypnosis, because their core problem was that they are already hypnotized—not by a clever stage performer, but by the stresses, pressures and seductions of daily life.

He used his knowledge to discover a way to help us become de-hypnotized, and discovered that the root of the power of negative suggestion lay in our wrong emotional response, that of resentment. Masters’ remarkably effective exercise, a simple observation technique called Be Still and Know—is at the core of his unmatched track record in helping people overcome even the most serious mental-emotional problems, and is the centerpiece of a successful program within the U.S. military community (“Patriot Outreach”) that is helping thousands of military personnel and their families cope with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).


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The emptiness we all feel comes from our hav¬ing fallen away from the true ground of our being to live another kind of life, a life that is contrary to the original design of our Creator.